I understand that people will be worried hearing about cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in Rotherham and Barnsley.
I’m making sure I get regular updates from Government and from Rotherham and Barnsley’s public health directors, have been in touch to offer support to the local school with a family member affected, and am part of Labour’s shadow cabinet efforts to make sure ministers are doing all they should to deal with the developing problems.
Public Health England is making contact with people who have had close contact with presumed positive cases of COVID-19.
Close contacts will be given health advice about symptoms and emergency contact details to use if they become unwell in the following 14 days.
The symptoms are:
- A cough
- A high temperature
- Shortness of breath
If you show symptoms call NHS 111 – rather than contacting or visiting your GP, or attending hospital – or use the NHS 111 online Coronavirus service.
To avoid catching or spreading Coronavirus:
- Wash your hands with soap and water often – for at least 20 seconds
- Always wash your hands when you get home or into work
- Use hand sanitiser if soap and water are not available
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
- Put used tissues in the bin straight away and wash your hands afterwards
- Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
- Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
Contrary to media reports, there are no immediate plans to suspend Parliament outside the existing recess dates for 2020.
More information is available at the following links: